Security News Update for September 30, 2022

Why You Should Wear Contacts While on Video Conferences

Researchers in Michigan and China have demonstrated their ability to read what is on your screen while you are on a video conference with 75% accuracy with text as small as 10 mm and a relatively low resolution 720 p camera. Credit: The Register

Crooks are Selling Access to Chinese Security Cameras

Crooks have figured out that most people are not going to patch their security cameras, and this includes businesses and even government facilities. Everyone already knows that almost all cameras come from China, without regard to the label on the box. So enterprising crooks are putting the two together and making some money. Credit: Threatpost

Russian Botmaster Requested Extradition to US After Arrest

The botnet master of the massive Russian RSOCKS botnet has been arrested in Bulgaria at the request of the U.S. Rather than resisting extradition, he requested to be extradited. Why? Because, he says, he has enormous amount of information that the U.S. needs. Probably true. Assuming he has knowledge about the Russian cyber underground, and he probably does, that could be very useful to U.S. law enforcement and even to the military. Credit: Brian Krebs

Neopets Hacker Had Access for 18 Months

Netpets was hacked. Not unusual. Neopets had 69 million members. That seems amazing to me. What do I know? What we do know is that Neopets did not discover hackers in their systems until July 20, 2022, even though the hackers had been inside the company’s computer since January 3, 2021. That is quite embarrassing. BUT, would you know if hackers were quietly ransacking your systems? Credit: Bleeping Computer

Hackers Use Powerpoint Files for Malware Delivery

This one is a surprise to me, although, it is not hard to do. The hackers get you to download a Powerpoint and as you view it, the hacker delivers malware. The technique is to execute a script which starts the download when you hold the mouse over something on the screen. Simple but effective. Are your systems prepared to cope with this? Credit: Bleeping Computer

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