February 2023
Jordan Peterson Describes the Pscyche of the Online Psychos We Must Fight
He hits the nail on the head.
US Agrees to Tighten Data Privacy for EU Citizens – But Not Us
In an effort to make it easier for US companies to transfer data from the EU to the US, the US has agreed to a number of principles regarding protecting the privacy of EU residents
The threat of ransomware is real. So why are Canadians handcuffing themselves?
Bad leadership? Shortsightedness? Unwillingness to change?
Cybercrime Meets ChatGPT—Look Out, World
Misused chatbot could create customized malware and whole new cybersecurity threats. Tru dat bro.
Leaders anticipate cyber-catastrophe in 2023, report World Economic Forum, Accenture
How does 30 days w/o power in your city sound? Hello. Wake up.
Cyber hackers using new ‘stepping stone’ tactics to squeeze £650,000 out of victims
One MORE example of how much money we are losing to hackers in this cyberwar. How much money can we afford to lose before we lose it?