46% of Organizations Store Passwords in Shared Documents

I can tell you from personal experience of our pentesting that this is true. We often find password documents – spreadsheets and text documents, unencrypted and unprotected.

This is in spite of the fact that 93% of the respondents require password management training and 63% hold that training more than once a year.

8 percent still write them on sticky notes.

Only 30 percent use COMPANY PROVIDED password managers.

And, insecure passwords are still a leading cause of cyberattacks.

On the other hand FIVE PERCENT were extremely confident that employees could not take passwords with them when they left the company.

SEVEN PERCENT of managers were extremely confident that they transfer credentials, terminate access and maintain business continuity if they had to quickly terminate a key employee.

Where are you on this spectrum?

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Credit: Help Net Security

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